Development potential of non-commodity exports of the Russian Federation to Latin America

  • Evgeny Tsarik Eurasian Economic Commission​​
Keywords: Export diversification, Latin America, international trade, export potential


An attempt has been made to assess the prospects for increasing non-commodity exports of the Russian Federation to Latin America, despite the low level of existing trade and economic relations between our country and the countries of this region, there is a significant potential for intensifying their mutual trade. A revision of the quantitative assessment methodology is proposed to take into account the potential changes in international trade caused by the coronavirus pandemic and the ongoing crisis in the global economy. In addition, based on the theoretical concept of the discrete Hausman — Klinger commodity space, the rating of the potential for establishing exports to Latin America of non-traditional Russian non-raw material for this market is given.



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Author Biography

Evgeny Tsarik, Eurasian Economic Commission​​

Specialst-expert, Department for Internal Market Defence of EEC


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How to Cite
TsarikE. (2021). Development potential of non-commodity exports of the Russian Federation to Latin America. Trade Policy, 3(23), 75-106. Retrieved from
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