Russia’s approaches to reform of the WTO

  • Екатерина Евгеньевна Майорова The Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation
Keywords: WTO, international trade regulation, trade dispute resolution, transparency, trade negotiations, multilateral trade rules


The problems of overcoming difficulties in the work of the WTO are considered, the necessity and importance of ensuring its effective activity for the development of international trade are justified. Russia’s interest in the successful reform of the WTO and its active role in regulating international trade is stressed. The main directions of Russia’s efforts to reform the WTO are also outlined, and specific proposals of the Russian side aimed at solving this problem are analyzed.


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Author Biography

Екатерина Евгеньевна Майорова, The Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation

PhD economics, Director of the Department of trade negotiations of the Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation

How to Cite
МайороваЕ. Е. (2020). Russia’s approaches to reform of the WTO. Trade Policy, 2(22), 16-20. Retrieved from
Trade Policy; International Trade Organizations F13