Future rules of world trade-principles and limitations

  • Maxim Medvedkov HSE
Keywords: WTO, trade policy of the Russian Federation, multilateral trade regulation, trade negotiations


The main steps to stabilize the work of the WTO are considered, and the main approaches and principles for creating prerequisites for improving the organization’s performance in the future are formulated. The problems and possible directions of enhancing Russia’s participation in the WTO in the context of ensuring the country’s trade policy interests are outlined.


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Author Biography

Maxim Medvedkov, HSE

PhD, professor, Head Department of Trade Policy (HSE)

How to Cite
MedvedkovM. (2020). Future rules of world trade-principles and limitations. Trade Policy, 2(22), 21-24. Retrieved from https://tpjournal.hse.ru/article/view/11685
Trade Policy; International Trade Organizations F13