On the implementation of tasks aimed at increasing the volume of non-raw non-energy exports in the context of trade policy

  • Mikhail Cherekaev Eurasian economic сommission.
Keywords: economic development, EAEU, free trade agreements


The tasks, and solutions which could contribute to formation of non — raw materials sectors in the Russian manufacturing, agriculture and services global competitive sectors are outlined. Statistical data of Russian exports of certain groups of goods in terms of value and physical volume are analyzed. An overview of trade agreements of the EAEU and Vietnam, Iran, Serbia and Singapore is made.


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Author Biography

Mikhail Cherekaev, Eurasian economic сommission.

deputy director, Trade policy department, Eurasian economic сommission.

How to Cite
CherekaevM. (2020). On the implementation of tasks aimed at increasing the volume of non-raw non-energy exports in the context of trade policy. Trade Policy, 3(23), 7-17. Retrieved from https://tpjournal.hse.ru/article/view/11989
Trade Policy; International Trade Organizations F13