Implementation of Sustainable Development Standards as a Way to Improve Competitiveness of a Company

  • Алеся Юрьевна Ионова


The article deals with the evolution of the sustainable development concept that resulted in a shift in companies’ competitiveness factors. Special attention is given to the ISO 14000 «Environmental management» family of standards that is directly related to one of the spheres of sustainable development. The example of BMW company demonstrates that sustainable development standards allow the company to pursue the main strategic approaches to competitiveness. It was concluded that implementation of sustainable development standards enhances competitiveness of a company in the international market.



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Author Biography

Алеся Юрьевна Ионова

Bachelor of Economics, graduate of HSE Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs.


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How to Cite
ИоноваА. Ю. (2018). Implementation of Sustainable Development Standards as a Way to Improve Competitiveness of a Company. Trade Policy, 3(7), 138-149. Retrieved from
Multinational Firms; International Business F23