Ensuring transparency of international trade in goods and services within the framework of Agreements of the GATT/WTO

  • Мария Андреевна Баранова
Keywords: transparency, trade in goods, trade in services, WTO, obligations of WTO members, regional trade agreements


Main WTO rules and obligations in trade in goods and services related to transparency are analyzed. The author stress the significance the transparency factor for development of trade and describes the key instruments to provide transparency in trade regulation at national and multilateral level. The main obligations of WTO members related to transparency are analyzed. Special attention is paid to obligations of RF in respect to transparency negotiated within accession to WTO of RF. Also the problems of application of WTO transparency provisions within regional trade agreements.


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Author Biography

Мария Андреевна Баранова

заместитель директора Департамента торговых переговоров Минэкономразвития России

How to Cite
БарановаМ. А. (2017). Ensuring transparency of international trade in goods and services within the framework of Agreements of the GATT/WTO. Trade Policy, 1(9), 9-22. Retrieved from https://tpjournal.hse.ru/article/view/8297
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