The Impact of Non-Tariff Regulation Measures on the EU-EAEU Trade: the Case of Harmonization of Technical Regulation Measures

  • Алеся Юрьевна Ионова
Keywords: non-tariff regulation measures, technical regulation measures, impact of harmonization on trade, harmonization motives, EU-EAEU integration


Nowadays harmonization of technical regulation measures with international measures or national measures of particular countries is becoming a crucial issue for many states. This article deals with the comparative analysis of non-tariff regulation systems in EU and EAEU with a particular emphasis on technical regulation measures. Despite the difference in the development of technical regulation systems in these unions, their compliance with international ISO standards and WTO guidelines results in a high level of harmonization between EU and EAEU. Moreover, the impact of harmonization of technical regulation measures on the EU-EAEU trade was estimated. Based on the research it can be concluded that harmonization leads to a significant increase in the EU–EAEU trade.


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Author Biography

Алеся Юрьевна Ионова

Bachelor of Economics, student of Imperial College London, graduate of Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs at HSE


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How to Cite
ИоноваА. Ю. (2018). The Impact of Non-Tariff Regulation Measures on the EU-EAEU Trade: the Case of Harmonization of Technical Regulation Measures. Trade Policy, 3(11), 75-96. Retrieved from
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