Experience of export diversification and overcoming raw material dependence

  • Эллина Юрьевна Михайлова
Keywords: export diversification, “commodity trap”, import substitution, export- based industry, deindustrialization


The article reveals the problem of overcoming strong raw material export dependence and ways to fix this problem as a part of national anti-crisis programme to be implemented in spite of policy of sanctions. The strategy of overcoming raw material export dependence is mere new self-sufficient development programme of Russian economy rather than only the part of anti-crisis strategy.


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Author Biography

Эллина Юрьевна Михайлова

Leading expert Institute of Trade Policy, National Research University Higher School of Economics, candidate in economics


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How to Cite
МихайловаЭ. Ю. (2018). Experience of export diversification and overcoming raw material dependence. Trade Policy, 3(11), 97-110. Retrieved from https://tpjournal.hse.ru/article/view/8339
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