Features of Growth of Latin American Investments in the Economy of Spain in the Post-Crisis Period

  • Евгений Владимирович Царик
Keywords: Spain, Latin America, investment cooperation, foreign direct investment, multilatinas


The paper investigates the key factors of growth of investment activity of Latin American multinationals in the Spanish post-crisis economy. In particular, article provides the assessment of influence of domestic economic reforms of that Iberian country on investment inflows from Latin American countries. Furthermore, the paper analyses a number of international agreements on investment cooperation of some Latin American countries with Spain and role of the political landscape shift in post-crisis Spain. The study also examines possible barriers to investment expansion of “multilatinas” which, first and foremost, should include political instability of the region, its challenging business environment and strong competition typical to Spanish market. At the end of the work further prospects of investment expansion of Latin American MNEs in the economy of Spain are assessed.


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Author Biography

Евгений Владимирович Царик

student, 3rd year bachelor NRU ―Higher School of Economics‖ faculty of World economy and international affairs

How to Cite
ЦарикЕ. В. (2018). Features of Growth of Latin American Investments in the Economy of Spain in the Post-Crisis Period. Trade Policy, 3(11), 132-154. Retrieved from https://tpjournal.hse.ru/article/view/8341
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