On some features of the market access liberalization of the Republic of Belarus

  • Сергей Иванович Михневич
Keywords: liberalization, of trade market, market access, imports, customs duty, integration blocks


The article examines the main stages of liberalization of the tariff protection of the Belarus’ goods market, examines the reasons for the ongoing processes, analyzes and assesses the impact of Belarus’ participation in the regional trade and economic integration projects on the degree of the market access’ liberalization of Belarus, shows the dynamics of the structure and content of instruments for tariff protection of the commodity market of the Republic of Belarus.


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Author Biography

Сергей Иванович Михневич

doctor of Economics, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus, the Consul General


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Договор «О функционировании Таможенного союза в рамках многосторонней торговой системы» от 19 мая 2011 г. URL: <http://www.consultant.ru/document/eous_doc_LAW_116602/>.

Report of the Working Party on the Accession of the Republic of Kazakhstan,WT/ACC/KAZ/93. Geneva, 2015.

Документ Секретариата ВТО: WT/ACC/BLR/1. Geneva, 1995. P. 83.

How to Cite
МихневичС. И. (2018). On some features of the market access liberalization of the Republic of Belarus. Trade Policy, 2(14), 9-22. Retrieved from https://tpjournal.hse.ru/article/view/8490
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