Regulation of liquid biofuel market in Russia and world

  • Igor Susanu HSE
Keywords: biofuels, liquid biofuels, ethanol, biodiesel, regulation, biofuel policy, Russia, USA, Brazil, EU, world energy market


The article deals with the peculiarities in regulation of the liquid biofuels market, which succeeded as a competitive, renewable component of the world energy market in contrast to the market of traditional petroleum products. It is shown that the biofuel market has passed several stages in its historical development. Its current conjuncture is indicated, the estimated potential of our country in the production of liquid biofuels is given, the problems in regulation of liquid biofuels in Russia are analyzed and identified.


Author Biography

Igor Susanu , HSE

2-year master's student of the HSE faculty of World economy and world politics, specialization Trade Policy.


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How to Cite
Susanu I. (2019). Regulation of liquid biofuel market in Russia and world. Trade Policy, 1(17), 60-88. Retrieved from
Trade and Environment F18