Levelling Foreign Subsidies in the EU: a New Wave of Protectionism?
Great openness to foreign investment has come with opportunities for the EU economy, but also with increased challenges such as perceived level playing field issues due to foreign subsidization. Anti-subsidy legislation helps to preserve the level playing field in the internal market, but subsidies granted by non-EU authorities to undertakings established in the Union which are difficult to tackle under existing laws are a growing concern in the EU political debate. Against this background, the European Commission published a White paper “On levelling the playing field as regards foreign subsidies” (White Paper) in June 2020 in which it considered how the EU can address this challenge [1]. The article analyses the efficiency of mechanisms presented in this White Paper.
[2] UNCTAD Handbook of Statistics 2002. URL: https://unctad.org/webflyer/unctad-handbook-statistics‑2002
[3] FDI IN FIGURES. OECD, 2020. URL: http://www.oecd.org/investment/FDI‑in-Figures-April‑2020.pdf
[4] EU direct investment flows, breakdown by partner country and economic activity (BPM6). URL: https://appsso.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/nui/submit-iewTableAction.do [5] White Paper on Foreign Subsidies. URL: https://www.dlapiper.com/en/us/insights/publications/2020/12/antitrust-matters--special-edition/white-paper-on-foreign-subsidies/
[5] O’Connor B., Toffoletti L., Mazzocchi F. Italy: Nctm Reply to The White Paper on Levelling the Playing Field as regards Foreign Subsidies. 9 November 2020. URL: https://www.mondaq.com/italy/antitrust-eu-competition-/1002918/nctm-reply-to-the-white-paper-on-levelling-the-playingfield-as-regards-foreign-subsidies
[6] Public consultation on the White Paper of the European Commission on foreign subsidies AFEP, 2020. URL: https://afep.com/wpcontent/uploads/2020/10/AFEP_Comments_on_the_White_paper_on_foreign_subsidies.pdf
[7] White Paper on foreign subsidies — Position paper. European Aluminium, 2020. URL: https://european-aluminium.eu/media/2994/european-aluminium-position-on-the-white-paper-on-foreign-subsidies.pdf