Formation of the trade policy of the Republic of Armenia after accession to the EAEU

  • Нарек Меружанович Паносян
Keywords: trade policy, foreign trade, goods, Republic of Armenia, ЕAEU, transformation, integration, integration process


The theoretical basis is the theory of integration in trade in goods. Changes in the trade policy of the Republic of Armenia and foreign trade of the country in the conditions of the EAEU are considered. It is in this context, both static
and dynamic effects affecting the economy of the country. The tasks have been solved using methods to study the theoretical implications of integration on the welfare of member states and third countries, to carry out a comparative
analysis of the level of economic development of the five States of EAEU based on international ratings, assessing the dynamics of foreign trade, calculating the integrated competitiveness index and the index of the identified comparative
advantages (the Balashi index).


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Author Biography

Нарек Меружанович Паносян

engineer for design and estimate work in construction


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How to Cite
ПаносянН. М. (2018). Formation of the trade policy of the Republic of Armenia after accession to the EAEU. Trade Policy, 3(15), 125-147. Retrieved from
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